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Sonar Saltwater Full Intermediate Fly Line


The Scientific Anglers SONAR SALTWATER INTERMEDIATE fly line is a slow-sink line for fishing in moderate and tropical jungle climates - a less agressive taper that will cast well on .

This SALTWATER INTERMEDIATE has a clear tip and is a full slow sink fly line.

SA SONAR SALTWATER INTERMEDIATE fly lines are superior for fishing streamers and Clousers when you want a relatively slow-sink line and may fish anywhere from temperate to tropical waters.

The SA SONAR SALTWATER INTERMEDIATE lines are rated for use with modern fast action fly rods but have a less agressive taper than the TITAN series fly lines.

Sonar Saltwater Full Intermediate Fly Line Features

* Line range WF-7 I to WF-12 I * Sink rates 1.25 IPS * Climate temperate to tropical * Clear head/tip yes * Head length 38 Ð 41 ft as the line class increases * Running line Intermediate sink * Line loops Front and rear * Line ID yes * Tropicore * Remarks: a generalist line with less assertive line taper than the Titan series

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