New Sage R8 Classic Rods in Stock Now Get Trout Season Started with a New R8.(details)
The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Redington Fly Rods

Redington is a family of fly rods we have come to trust for quality, reasonable price, and dependable performance on the water.

Guide tested Redington fly rod performance:

Redington fly rods are well suited to your favorite waters, from the smallest spring creeks to the deepest blue waters.

The Redington warranty. is your insurance policy for each fly rod you purchase - warranty service is prompt and you can count on Redington to back their products unconditionally.

The Caddis Fly Shop offers the full line of Redington Fly Rods.

Predator Fly Rods

Vice Fly Rods

Path Fly Rods

Butter Stick Fiberglass Fly Rods

Dually Switch and Spey Fly Rods

Path Fly Rods and outfits

Topo complete fly fishing outfits