New Sage R8 Classic Rods in Stock Now Get Trout Season Started with a New R8.(details)
The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Fly Fishing in the Yukon Canada

A beautiful film from one of the worldÍs last wildernesses. A wide range of fishing in lakes & fast-moving rivers is on offer for the fly fisherman. 56 min.

A beautiful film from one of the worldÍs last wildernesses. A wide range of fishing in lakes and fast-moving rivers is on offer for the fly fisherman.

The variety is what makes fishing here so interesting _ thereÍs always something to catch throughout the season.

We are fishing for lake trout, pike, grayling, rainbow trout, Dolly Varden and different sorts of Pacific salmon.

We even get a chance to see the bears, moose and eagles of the Yukon, as well as an insight into the history of the goldminers.

ItÍs easy to be part of the fishing and wilderness experience offered by the Yukon!