Winston Boron III X Super 10 Fly Rod
The Winston Boron III X Super 10 fly rod is specifically designed for high sticking and European style nymph fishing.
However, it can handle a wide range of technical nymphing techniques, two-fly rigs, dry/droppers, streamers, and virtually any indicator setup.
The Boron III X Super 10 utilizes WinstonÕs unique and highly effective Boron III technology which integrates Boron fibers into the butt section of the fly rod to provide extraordinary strength while remaining incredibly light. This drives extra energy through the fly rod which broadens its casting range whilst remaining an incredibly stable, sensitive, and accurate casting tool. This rod has much more energy and casting versatility then a strictly-graphite rod. Check out the video below for more information on WinstonÕs innovative ÔBoron Advantage.Õ
With a longer length (10 feet), progressive medium action, and high quality rod characteristics, the Boron III X Super 10 allows anglers to have incredible control over fly placement and line management from the heaviest, most ÒdredgingÓ rigs to the lightest of flies.
The Winston Boron III X Super 10 is a fantastic fly rod for any sub-surface presentation. Whether its nymphing light or heavy, or using multiple flies or just one, the length, action, and technology of this fly rod makes your life easier. It is the ultimate Òhigh-stickingÓ tool, and it also fishes great with a sink tip and a streamer, as well as a big stonefly dry and a heavy dropper.

Guides: This fly rod features WinstonÕs new ÒShooting Guides.Ó They are designed with the highest hardness rating in the industry and they use weather and salt-resistant stainless steel wire with a chrome finish. They are shaped with a more circular design, which allows fly lines to pass through with minimal contact, thus reducing friction immensely. You wont believe how sweet these new guides are until you cast one. Shooting line has never been so seamlessÑyet another integration from R.L. Winston.Seat: The Super 10 is designed with a new down-locking reel seat which aids in weight distribution. This rod also has a 2Ó cork extension on the bottom to reduce arm fatigue while youÕre fighting a foul-hooked, 6-pound whitefish in heavy current because we all know how fun that is.
Profile: A sensitive tip to detect subtle takes, a stronger mid section for fly placement and aid during windy conditions, and a strong lower half for fish control.
Tube: This 4-piece rod comes with a premium graphite rod tube with a logo rod sock for protection and ease in travelling.