Spey Lite Integrated Scandi Line
Scientific Anglers SPEY LITE INTEGRATED SCANDI fly lines are fantastic lines for use with light two handers and single hand fly rods - no tip needed, perfect for trout spey with wet flies, streamers, buggers and the like - and light steelhead too!
SA SPEY LITE INTEGRATED SCANDI fly line Sales, Video and Guide Reviews.
This SPEY LITE SCANDI is a full fly line with an ultra short SCANDI-style head that will allow you to cast with brush, trees, and rocks close behind.
Summary of SPEY LITE INTEGRATED SCANDI fly line features:
* This is a full fly line, not just the Scandi head.
* This line does not require an added tip, and is usually fished with a tapered leader.
* This SCANDI head is a full floater.
* Pale green/olive color.
* Designed for the temperate and cold climates.
* Line length: 100 ft.
* Head length: 20.0 ft at 150 gr up to 27.0 ft at 420 gr.
* Line weights offered: 150 gr - 420 gr increasing in 30 gr increments.
* SA LITE INTEGRATED SCANDI fly lines are built on a braided multifilament core.
* The line incorporates front and rear welded loops, with a black textured line marker at the rear of the head.