Scientific Anglers Amplitude Big Water Taper Fly Line
The Scientific Anglers Amplitude Big Water Taper features Scientific AnglersÕ new cutting edge AST Plus Technology.
AST Plus is the most advanced line slickness technology in the world. You will be surprised by how well this SA fly line shoots, and how long it retains its slickness for. It never stops having that Òout of the boxÓ feel.
AST Plus.
AST Plus Technology is a slickness agent added to Scientific AnglerÕs new fly lines to vastly improve their performance. AST Plus actually moves with the line coating. It naturally moves to the surface of the line as the line coating begins to wear overtime. This not only increases the life of your fly line, but also means it will remain just as slick from its first use to its last. These lines shoot further: They are 40% slicker than fly lines without any additive. They are durable: 60% more than the competition.The SA Amplitude Big Water Taper fly line is an all around performer for fishing very large and heavy flies in windy conditions.
Big Water Line wts offered: WF10 - WF12
Big Water overall line length: 105
Big Water Line Color: black/surf/sand