Renzetti Standard Ruby Tip Bobbin: Fly Tying Bobbins & Tools
Renzetti Standard Ruby Tip Bobbin: Fly Tying Bobbins & Tools
The only surprise with this here Renzetti fly tying bobbin is that more people have not tied with it. This is a smooth, traditional but exceptional bobbin that features the ruby tip and what is considered middle of the road size as fly tying bobbins go. Wonderful tradition from Renzetti.
Renzetti Standard Ruby Tip Bobbin: Fly Tying Bobbins & Tools
The only surprise with this here Renzetti fly tying bobbin is that more people have not tied with it. This is a smooth, traditional but exceptional bobbin that features the ruby tip and what is considered middle of the road size as fly tying bobbins go. Wonderful tradition from Renzetti.
Renzetti Standard Ruby Tip Bobbin: Fly Tying Bobbins & Tools