New Sage R8 Classic Rods in Stock Now Get Trout Season Started with a New R8.(details)
The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Renzetti Traveler Series


The Renzetti Traveler Series of fly tying vises has been serving beginner and advanced fly Tyers for over 40 years. Hand crafted in the USA the original full rotary vise with outstanding hook range and holding power is unbeatable for travel or everyday at home use.

The non-anodized 2000 Traveler vise is available in c-clamp and pedestal models. The 2000 standard traveler holds hooks from #28-4/0 and is the most economical in the Traveler vise range.

The Renzetti 2200 Traveler is the anodized version of the Traveler Vise series. The 2200 has the same hook range and cam locking jaw. We like the anodized version for added protection for travel to saltwater environs.

New for April 2022 we have the Limited Run Green and Blue Anodized Traveler. The new and limited green and blue models include 6x6" base and material clip. They look great!

Small enough to take on trips or to simply not eat room on your fly tying desk the Renzetti Saltwater Traveler model 2300 is an awesome compact fly tying vise. The Saltwater Traveler is available in both C-Clamp and Pedestal versions in left and right hand options. The Saltwater Traveler holds hooks from size 4-8/0 as well as any other vise on the market, especially given its price. Cam locking and easy to adjust for each hook size with ease. Complete with bobbin cradle and full rotary operations the Renzetti Saltwater Traveler is a shop favorite!

New Models for summer of 2023

Saltwater Traveler SC2600 - Anodized Black and Purple, including all the amazing features of the saltwater vise. Comes with the extended Crank arm, a 6x6" Pedestal base, a 7" stem, a spinning attachment, and the hook retainer/material clip.

Traveler 2800 Series - Anodized in black and Orange and comes with a 6x6" pedestal base and 7" stem, and a material clip.

Frequently Bought Together

Loon Fly Tying Mat
Loon Fly Tying Mat
Stonfo Elite Bobbin
Zirkel Magnetic Hook Organizer