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Pro Sportfisher Dropweight | Tubefly System Drop Weight


The Pro Sportfisher Dropweight is a highly adaptable means of adding weight to tube flies; the Caddis Fly Shop offers a full selection of these brass weights in a wide variety of color finishes, with prompt shipping, no sales tax, and low cost or free shipping.

Size & weight specifications are as follows:

Small: 4mm; 0.40 grams, 10pcs.

Medium: 6mm; 0.60 grams, 10pcs.

Large: 8mm; 0.80 grams, 9pcs.

X-Large: 10mm; 1.00 gram, 8pcs.

Pro Tube Drop Weights are multi purpose and fit all the Pro Tube Tubefly System tubes including the Flexi Tube and the Micro Tube. No messing around, these are all compatible sizings.

Listen up folks. The Pro Tube Drop Weights are the go-to tube fly weight when you are looking for either the ability to build a fly with slightly to extremely fast sinking properties. And these Pro Drop Weights have an additional trait that is also very intriguing. Specifically, the larger end of these highly polished chrome drop weights will help flare your hackles, whether spun Lady Amherst Pheasant, Steelie Blue Ice Dub, or marabou.

Make sense? By winding our hackles directly in front of the drop weight it causes it to flare and function just as we used to accomplish with a chenille or dubbing ball. Nice dual purpose.

The Smallest Pro Drop Weight we offer is 4mm and the largest is 8 mm, and the 8 mm Drop Weight will really get your tube fly down in front of Mr. steelhead's face quickly.

The Pro Tubefly Drop weight is designed to fit with all of the Micro Tubes and the Fexitubes, so you can mix drop weights, bullet weights, and Flexi weights on the same tube fly if you so wish.

Pro Tube Dropweight: Tubefly System Drop Weight

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