New Sage R8 Classic Rods in Stock Now Get Trout Season Started with a New R8.(details)
The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Pro 3D Printed Tabbed Eyes


Pro Tabbed Eyes were designed as the optimal eye solution for predator tubing.

These are a fantastic addition to any size fly on either a tube or standard hooks & shanks.

The tie in tab is incredibly beneficial; it allows the tier to move the eye back and forth for perfect placement, and it also is great on flies where the front is tied with flowing materials where the eyes can be attached with no or minimal adhesives, thus promoting better fly movement in the water.

With a few securing thread wraps on the tab, glue the backside, whip the tab with a few more thread wraps and add some U.V. resin on the surface of the eye and along the beamed channels. The beamed channels are designed for thisÑto take some of the resin for increased durability.

24 pieces per 6mm pack

22 pieces per 8mm pack

20 pieces per 10mm pack

18 pieces per 12mm pack

16 pieces per 14mm pack

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