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The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Pro Sportfisher Thin Flex UV Resin

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Pro Sportfisher Thin Flex UV Resin adds a new layer of depth and strength to fresh and saltwater flies.

Two years of R&D has yielded the next generation of U.V. curable products! Five main goals for the product were full 100% cure, flexible, ultra strong bonding ability, glass clear when cured and fairly priced. We could bore you with all the science stuff like longer molecular chain allows this and that, but we will not! Suffice to say this is one of the best if not the best U.V. resin products currently available. There are tons of uses from solidifying a dumbbell eye tie-in to protecting Pro G3 J.C. to multi-layer doming eyes or building up Chironomids with a glass clear/highly durable finish...Pro Sportfisher U.V. Thin/Flex Resin is up to the task at hand.

Cure it with any Loon UV Cure lights.

Frequently Bought Together

Loon UV Plasma Light
Loon UV Bench Light
Loon UV Infiniti Light