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Hareline Painted Lead Eyes 10pk

Hareline Painted Lead Fly Tying Eyes. If you have perused the section under lead fly tying eyes, you already understand the essential function and core philosophic endeavorment of these Hareline painted lead fly tying eyes. These too are fly tying dumbbells, not tiny little organs that let bugs see HDTV underwater. Take a basic functional lead fly tying dumbbell, and then give them a nice shiny tough coat of paint and the end product is right here for your fly tying and fishing delight. We use Hareline Painted Lead fly tying dumbbell eyes on our Steelhead and Salmon Intruder flies, on our Clouser deep minnow flies, on all sorts of bass and panfish flies, for trips to the Amazon, for saltwater fly fishing for giant Halibut, and for all sorts of saltwater flats fly patterns. Hareline painted lead fly tying barbell eyes are offered in pearl, yellow, and red _ all with a black pupil. These lead fly tying barbells tie in nicely and add fish appeal to your flies. Offered in x-small, small, and medium sizes, these are great for our less weighted flies, but owing to their lead composition, they get our flies down to the fish quite nicely.

Hareline painted lead barbell eyes are tied onto the hook shank with thread wraps in a figure eight pattern wraps at the head of the fly, thus provide weight to sink the fly and some think, an up and down motion as the fly is retrieved

Hareline's Painted Lead Eyes are standard eyes painted in assorted fish-catching colors with a pupil for added life-like appearance.

We love the red eyes with black pupil. Yes, the paint can chip off, just like is true for the chrome plated eyes. But if we weight our flies correctly and choose our water carefully, we don't drag these on the rocks too much.