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Complete SwitchBox Kit from OMNISPOOL


Switchbox Kit by Omni Spool Š Fly Line Organizing, Cleaning and Switching System

Fly Lines are expensive these days and having them strung loosely hanging on a nail or in a zip lock bag means you probably canÕt find them, donÕt know what line weight they are and ultimately they are of no real use to you.

We present the very best solution for fly line storage, fly line switching and fly line cleaning, the Switchbox from Omnispool .

Traveling anglers will love the Switchbox Kit, and individual Switchboxes. Switchboxes help in line organization, they are easy to label, and stack together easily. They are light in weight if you want to carry more lines than spare spools the Switchbox makes it easy to swap lines on reels rather than carrying a bunch spools. For even more organization color code your line weights using different box colors or label colors.

The Complete Switchbox Kit comes with one Switchbox line spool and housing, one crank handle and one line care box that easily snaps on the Switchbox and makes cleaning lines a breeze. You can use your favorite line cleaning solution on the pads provided. Additional SwitchBoxes are available in another product listing, they all snap together, it's a fantastic system.

Check out the video below to see how easy it is to switch lines. We love how the Switchbox housing becomes the stand when you want to crank the line on your reel.

The Complete Switchbox Kit will change the way you organize spare lines.

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