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Nymph Hooks

Nymph Hooks generally have a heavier wire and longer shanks than dry fly hooks. When tying stonefly and larger mayfly patterns one will want to use longer shank nymph hooks 2x long and 3x long varieties TMC 5262, and 5263, Daiichi D1710 and D1720. Great standard nymph hooks for Pheasant Tail Nymphs, Hare's Ear's and Prince Nymphs include TMC 3761 and Daiichi 1560. For classic wet flies try a standard length nymph hook like TMC 3769 or Daiichi D1560 and D1530, they have shorter heavier shanks. For Caddis Pupae, Scuds and chironomids we like Daiichi D1120, D1250 and D1150. Having the right hook for your subsurface imitations can make a huge difference. Curved hooks, heavier shanks and sharp points are all characteristics of the high quality nymph hooks you will find listed below.
TMC 200R