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Measure Net Replacement Net Bags, Fishing Net Replacement Bag


These Replacement Measure Net bags are offered in nylon mesh or rubber mesh and are great replacement fly fishing nets that will zip on to any net - including your Measure Net


Any net? Well, we have customers bring in their old wooden nets all the time and measure net bags will USUALLY always easily zip on. We have provided replacement net bags of nylon or rubber mesh for the average aluminum handle nets of days gone by and the heirloom quality wooden nets that Grandpa fished with.

We were skeptical when we first received our sample replacement net bags for measure nets. Fact is, we have seen easy to replace net bags that were not easy to install. WOW! The Measure Net replacement net bags in either nylon mesh or easy on guide and fish rubber mesh actually are easy to install. No bull.

The Measure Net series of fly fishing nets is a great innovation that it allows us to measure our fish with minimal handling and release them relatively unscathed and now our friends will all believe us when we say we caught a twelve inch trout, simply because we tell them that we use a measure net.

Specific sizes in circumference of these measure net replacement bags, which are offered to fit fishing nets with nylon mesh or rubber net bags in the approximate net hoop sizes as follows:

Small fishing Measure Net: 35 inches.

Medium fishing Measure Net: 40 inches.

Large fishing Measure Net: 47 inches.

Guide fishing Measure Net: 68 inches.

Questions about your net compatibility with these measure net replacement net bags? Call or email, we are happy to discuss potential fit, see if you qualify for free shipping, note our no sales tax in Oregon, and see what you are going to measure with your replacement measure net bag.