Lagartun Tinsel, Thread, Wire, Floss and Braid
Authentic Lagartun French tinsels, braids, and threads are among the highest quality fly tying materials our most discriminating clients demand for tying salmon, steelhead, and trout flies.
The most experienced fly tyers learned to rely on Lagartun products for decades, based on the superior quality, consistency, and color hues available. The world of fly tying materials wept when Lagartun went out of production for a distressing period. While this may be a slight exaggeration, the loss of Lagartun products from our fly benches for several years was a genuine disappointment, but we learned to adapt and carry on. Now we are pleased to find Lagartun tinsels, braids, and threads back on our list of available materials, and the prospect is delightful.Our Caddis Fly Pro Staff have considerable experience with the full range of Lagartun tinsels and braids. We reach for Lagartun whenever we can and recommend these products to our customers who ask for the very best tying materials.
Key Lagartun Products we expect to offer include Carded Flat Braid, Mini and Micro Flat Braid; Metallic Oval Tinsel, Metallic Flat Tinsel; Metallic Embossed Flat tinsel; French Silk Floss, and X-Strong Thread.
Lagartun metallic tinsels are varnished to render them very resistant to tarnishing and annealed to produce a base metal that is flexible, more durable, and less prone to exhibiting spool memory.
The precision with which Lagartun metallic tinsels are would on spools reflects the superiority of these fly tying products.
Lagartun Flat Metallic Shiny Tinsel. Small, medium, and large in gold, silver, and copper.
Lagartun Flat Metallic Embossed Tinsel. copper, gold and silver tinsel in satin embossed, shiny embossed, and plisse finish; sizes vary from medium to large in various finishes.
Lagartun Metallic Oval Tinsel is offered in fine, small, medium, and large sizes. The Core of the fine oval tinsel is silk; the core of the three other oval tinsels is a polyester material that will stretch very slightly, making it possible to craft the slimmest possible tie in and tie off points on their flies.
Lagartun Carded Flat Braid Although this is very flat at 0.100 mm, this carded flat braid is the widest of the flat braids at approximately 1/8 inch. This is delightful thin material for tying bodies on our intruders and a wide range of salmon, steelhead, and trout flies. The material is Metaloplastic and is at the same instant durable with just enough stretch to allow for the slightest compression when securing the braid to the fly or tube shank. Great colors. 5 yards per card.
Lagartun Spooled Flat Mini Braid is a very flat, low profile 1/16 inch flat braid that we love to use for bodies on many of our salmon, steelhead, and trout flies; including Comets and Muddlers and many streamer flies. 5 yards per spool.
Lagartun Spooled Flat Micro Braid is a 1/32 inch flat braid that is particularly useful to craft bodies on smaller flies or to rib bodies on larger flies. From nymphs to classic Atlantic Salmon flies, this is exciting material. 5 yards per spool.
Lagartun Varnished Wire. This is super good wire and we are emphasizing X Fine and Fine at 0.087mm and 0.13mm. 5 yards per spool.
Lagartun French Silk Floss. 18 colors selected to emphasize Atlantic Salmon and the most popular salmon steelhead patterns. This silk floss will not fray and has no loose fibers. This is quite different from embroidery silk and will produce absolutely superior bodies on classic and modern flies of all sizes including the Atlantic Salmon Classics, traditional streamers, and trout wet flies. 5 yards per spool.
Are Lagartun products really any better than other brands? We think they are, but this is a matter that each fly tyer should evaluate and decide based on their own experience. The beginning tyer may not notice the difference. The Intermediate tyer is likely to prefer Lagartun when making a comparison, and the advanced tyer is likely to find these products so much nicer to tie with that they tend to insist on Lagartun whenever it is available.