New Sage R8 Classic Rods in Stock Now Get Trout Season Started with a New R8.(details)
The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Hareline Faceted Slotted Tungsten Beads 20pk

Hareline Faceted Slotted Tungsten Beads. Slotted fly tying beads are the cutest little gems to help a fly tyer get a match between different hook sizes and barb heights with a bead. Hareline slotted tungsten beads get us where we need to be but Hareline Faceted slotted tungsten fly tying beads take us over the top of the mountain if you know what we mean. No. we do not know what we mean either, but we do like to tie with Hareline faceted slotted tungsten beads.

So there. Beads-R-Us. Actually, we should say fly tying beads-r-us, to be more specific, although some crafters do use perfectly good fly tying beads for jewelry making and all sorts of cute crafty things. Crafty does not imply a malevolent intent, it is just different from fly tying use of beads. As if slotted tungsten beads were not hot enough for most fly tying applications, along comes Hareline with Faceted slotted tungsten fly tying beads.

Did you hear the one about the slotted tungsten fly tying bead having a beer at the Simms reception in Bozeman Montana _ when up walked a very attractive young FACETED slotted tungsten bead - and this faceted slotted tungsten bead asked if Hareline was paying for drinks at the reception and the -------- said ---------. You had to be there at the Simms booth to see the humor. George Cook laughed his Hareline Cyclops beads off so hard that his eye sockets squirted out fluorescent orange Hareline dazzle fly tying beads.

Seriously. Forget seriously. It is impossible to stay serious when one is having so much fun ranting about all these fly tying beads. but let us be practical here; listen up. Start with tungsten. Add facets. Add a slot. Squish it into a fly tying bead and you have greatness. Maybe greater than Brad Paisley, and Brad knows fishing, and men getting into trouble because of a tendency to go fishing when they should be home with their women mowing the lawn or tying flies with Hareline faceted slotted tungsten beads. Now please do not mis-interpret that last sentence. We meant that the men should be mowing the lawn, not their women. Whatever. Someone has to mow the lawn while someone ties the bead head flies, right.

Hold on now. As if this were not already too much for the almost done-in fly engineer, check out the latest greatest Hareline pupil eyed tungsten beads for fly tying. Whooo hooo!