Echo SR Fly Rods
Echo SR Switch Fly Rods are upgraded and better than ever.
Echo SR Switch fly rods are adaptable to trout, smallies, crappie, surf perch, schoolie stripers, all the way up to silver salmon, steelhead, Chinook, sea run browns, Great Lakes species, and Atlantic Salmon.ECHO SR Reviews have proved that this Echo Switch Rod has all the performance qualities to please the most discriminating fly fisher.
Offering a medium fast action, SR rods in the range of line classes from a light 4 wt to a firm 8 wt are crisp.. This action means that you will feel them load and they will make both short and long range casts very well. By comparison, the Echo SR series is a little slower than the Echo 3 Two Hander Spey and Switch rod series and if your pocket book can stand it, the E-3 series is certainly a smidge lighter and crisper for the discriminating caster/angler.Casting & Fishing Styles for SR series Switch Rods are truly versatile.
Our Caddis Fly staff, guides, and clients fish them with single hand casts, two-hand overhead casts, two hand Spey casts, and they also make GREAT Indicator fishing rods. We fish traditional fly lines, shooting-head lines, Skagit Switch lines, integrated shooting head lines, and Indicator lines by Rio and the Speydicator by Airflo. The SR rod series has a wide acceptable range of line class adaptability.Best fishing fit for the SR rods: naturally, there is a wide range of personal preference, but here are some solid recommendations for the Echo SR series.
4 wt. Switch: This is the lightest rod the Echo SR series. Trout, worldwide; Smallies; surfperch on the beach.5 wt. Echo Switch: Stepping up the power line, this SR is still square in the crosshairs of trout and similar sized fish. Warmwater species. The Switch SR five-weight is the universal trout-size fish in the Echo product line.
6 wt. Echo Switch: This is our SR for lake run trout, light summer steelhead in smaller rivers, sea-run trout, throwing streamers at Brown trout along tree roots, and even Pyramid Lake Cutthroat.
7 wt. Echo Switch: This is the SR we would most often bring along fishing for summer steelhead and similar sized fish in swift flowing waters. Note here that
8 wt. Echo Switch: This ION is on the heavy end of summer steelhead, smack dab into winter steelhead, and great for silvers. Schoolie stripers, blues, False Albies and bucket-mouth bass are fair game.
Indicator Supreme: Although we hinted at this already, we do a lot of indicator fishing with Echo Switch rods. From the 4 wt to the 8 wt in the SR series, we can overhead, Spey or roll cast nymph lines and indicators with one or several weighted flies. This is an extremely effective manner of fishing and the longer length of these rods proves a great advantage over a single hand rod in these situations.
ECHO Switch Rod SR fly rod components and finish. Grey stealth non glare rod shaft Ð composite cork Accents at tip and butt of upper handle and butt of fighting butt provide durability but little weight - Reel Seats Feature light weight and anodized toughness Ð superior full wells cork grips on the shortest rods Ð Echo style Grey Rod Tube and interior sock - Echo provides a Cloth rod sock and square, Cordura-encased , zipper-ended rod tube Ð Tim Rajeff 20 inch trophy fish marker on each rod Ð ferrule alignment dots Ð oversized stripper chrome finish strippers Ð single foot hard chrome snake guides - Lifetime Warranty.
Specifications/Line Recommendations Chart: Echo SR
Model | Length | Line Weight | Pcs | Weight | Action |
SR-3106 | 10Õ9Ó | 3wt | 4 | 5.8 oz | Fast |
SR-4106 | 10Õ6Ó | 4wt | 4 | 6 oz | Fast |
SR-5108 | 10Õ8Ó | 5wt | 4 | 6.4 oz | Fast |
SR-61010 | 10Õ10Ó | 6wt | 4 | 6.7 oz | Fast |
SR-71010 | 10Õ10Ó | 7wt | 4 | 7 oz | Fast |
SR-81010 | 10Õ10Ó | 8wt | 4 | 7.1 oz | Fast |
Airflo Line Recommendations: NEW Skagit Scout, Switch Streamer, Skagit Switch G2 |