New Sage R8 Classic Rods in Stock Now Get Trout Season Started with a New R8.(details)
The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Echo Shadow X Rod with free Euro fly line


Echo Shadow X Rods are designed for the most advanced and dedicated nymph fisher - whether you fish Euro style or make longer presentations - purchase includes a free Euro nymph fly line.

Echo Shadow X Rods are one of the most popular rods of choice for anglers who specialize in precise delivery and delicate swimming of weighted nymphs.

Our recommendations for this Shadow X rod are as follows:

ECHO offers four rod actions with one at 2 wt and three at 3 wt. The 2 wt rod is a 10 foot model; the three wts start at 10 ft and to to 11 ft. The general rule here is that the power of the rod increases progressively with each model. Therefore the 2 wt rod is the lightest power and the 11 ft 3 wt is the most powerful, This is a choice only the angler can make, but we would be happy to help advise if you call the shop with questions.

Four-piece standard across the industry

* ECHO foundation: Lightweight high-modulus graphite shaft

* The Rod Action: "Very Fast" competition nymph rod

* Power: Very powerful rod action tuned to swing multiple nymphs and manage your drift

* Very nice Rod Tube: Fabric-covered rod case & sock

* Rod Guides: SIC stripping guides and hard chrome snake guides

* Durable Reel Seat: anodized aluminum

These 10 ft and 10 ft 6-inch nymph rods are just soft enough to cast and manage your multiple fly rigs.

The new ECHO Shadow X Rods are among the finest specialty nymphing fly rods on the market today.

Echo Shadow X Rods include a lifetime warranty from Echo.

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