New Sage R8 Classic Rods in Stock Now Get Trout Season Started with a New R8.(details)
The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Echo Lago Fly Rods


The all new Echo Lago fly rods will help you roll cast, turn over long leaders and keep casts airborn when sitting low to the water.

We often find it difficult to find a lake specific action in a 10ft 5 or 6wt rod for a reasonable price. In comes the new Echo Lago. The Lago is not aimed at presenting dry flies at 20ft.Rather it's your "reach out and touch" that fish that is surfacing in the next channel over. Casting floating and sinking lake lines for distance is much easier to achieve with the new Echo Lago Rods.

Lago rods are all 10ft 4pc models 5wt, 6wt and 7wt models. Lago rods have a good looking blue finish full wells grip and fighting but.

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