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Echo Boost Beach Fly Rod


ECHO Boost Beach fly rods are genuine beach rods designed for overhead casting at long range.

ECHO Boost Beach fly rods:

offer the fresh and saltwater beach angler a rod at approximately 12 ft that is specifically designed to excel at overhead casting. These new fly rods genuinely assist making the long bomb from shore. East coast; West coast; Puget wound; Great Lakes; Pyramid lake: all of these are great places to fish the Boost Beach fly rod.

Three Boost Beach line weights from 6 wt to 8 wt will serve you well as a an angler seeking large trout, steelhead, salmon, stripers, blues, and the like. From the Rivers of the Great Lakes to BC, San Francisco bay to Cape cod, the Echo Boost Beach fly rod is a superior overhead casting fly rod.

If you fish from shore, or from a boat and need extra distance to reach your fish, these Beach Boost rods are designed for you.

Lightweight power is the name of the game here: Boost Beach fly rods will lay out the long cast flawlessly time and time again.

Line Loading: The 6 wt loads with 230 gr lines; the 7 wt with 265 gr lines; and the 8wt loads with 300 gr lines. That said, you can overload these boost beach rods and they will cast like a rocket. At the end of the day, these are powerful and versatile rods for the overhead caster into big water.

We tend to have very few warranty issues with ECHO fly rods, but when we do, the service turn around time is minimum and the overall service is unsurpassed.

Blank: matte finish dark smoky grey.

Thread color and accent colors: these seem translucent with stunning blue tips.

Guides: Easy flow guides are stainless of course.

Reel seat: anodized aluminum does not require maintenance.

Final thought: these are not switch rods, they are genuine two hand fly rods that are intended for the overhead caster, not the spey caster. These rods give you extra distance with little or no effort on your shoulder, carry your line over the waves, and allow you to cover water you could never cover before.

Specifications/Line Recommendations Chart: Echo Boost Beach

Model Length Line Weight Pcs Weight Action
BEACH-6120 12Õ 6wt 4 7.6 oz Fast
BEACH-7121 12Õ1Ó 6wt 4 7.9 oz Fast
BEACH-8122 12Õ2Ó 6wt 4 8.1 oz Fast
Airflo Line Recommendations: Beach/Surf Line

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