Carded & Bagged Chenille & Yarns
Carded & Bagged Chenille & Yarn: Synthetic Fly Tying Supplies & Materials
This is the section where we aggregate various fly tying materials that tend to be carded or bagged and are typically used for body materials on flies. Some of these carded materials contain natural fibers but most are principally or exclusively composed of synthetics.
Most of these carded or bagged fly tying synthetic materials are used in some way to construct fly bodies.
Carded & Bagged Chenille & Yarn: Synthetic Fly Tying Supplies & Materials
This is the section where we aggregate various fly tying materials that tend to be carded or bagged and are typically used for body materials on flies. Some of these carded materials contain natural fibers but most are principally or exclusively composed of synthetics.
Most of these carded or bagged fly tying synthetic materials are used in some way to construct fly bodies.
Carded & Bagged Chenille & Yarn: Synthetic Fly Tying Supplies & Materials