New Sage R8 Classic Rods in Stock Now Get Trout Season Started with a New R8.(details)
The new Sage R8 Classic is one of the finest trout fishing tools available, get yours with a free line today. R8

Braided Tubular Body Products

Braided Tubular Body Products: Synthetic Fly Tying Supplies & Materials

This is the section where we aggregate various fly tying materials that tend to be woven or braided and thusly somewhat tubular in shape. Some of these braided or woven materials are tinsels and some are mylar-like flashy synthetics but some, in fact, are translucent woven materials.

These synthetic braided fly tying materials sometimes have a cotton fiber core that must be pulled out before using the material and some do not have a core and are wound directly onto the hook.

Although most of these braided or woven fly tying synthetic materials are used in some way to construct fly bodies, some are tied in to use as a wing, after securing a section of the braid, the woven strands are teased apart with a bodkin to make a wiggly jagged shiny wing on some fresh and saleltlllater flies.

Braided & Tubular Body Products: Synthetic Fly Tying Supplies & Materials