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Alec Jackson's Steelhead Irons, Salmon Steelhead Fly Tying Hooks

Alec Jackson's Steelhead Irons, Salmon Steelhead Fly Tying Hooks

Tapered-loop up-eye, forged 10per pack.

The Alec Jackson Heavy Wire Spey Fly hook is a beautifully shaped hook very similar to the TMC 202SP, however, this Alec Jackson Spey fly hook does not have a super point. The Alec Jackson heavy Wire Spey fly hook features a turned up tapered loop eye like the TMC 202SP.The Alec Jackson hook style is extremely popular and provides a platform to build very attractive steelhead and salmon flies. The heavy wire on this Alec Jackson hook will ensure a quick sink rate in heavy water. The Heavy Wire Spey Fly Hook is offered in black, silver, bronze, and gold finish. These hook finish options allow the tyer to add an extra pinch of creativity to design of salmon and steelhead spey flies.

Frequently Bought Together

Senyo's Intruder Trailer Hook Wire